Giant of Anxiety (Sermon)

The more full my suitcase gets the more I question what is already in the suitcase. Do I really need this many pairs of pants? Will I really need or wear this particular shirt? Will the nights cool off enough for a sweatshirt? I almost always bring more than I need. I almost always forget to pack something important that I wish I had brought. So I’ve developed the habit to start the packing process a little earlier and I go through an essential step of repacking where I replace things in my suitcase. In the same way some of us have packed things into our lives that are unhelpful, unnecessary and might even weigh us down in our pursuit of Christ. We also have left out important things in our lives that we so often forget to pack into our day-to-day. There are some things you and I need to take out of our suitcases and other things we need to pack in.

He goes from reminding us that God is near, to talking about the peace that comes from God to the very God of the peace. So not only does God give us a peace that is beyond comprehension or understanding But He is the presence OF peace with us. More than just a gift of His peace, He gives us so much more. He gives us His presence. His very personal attention. He gives us Himself. He is the source of that peace that beyond comprehension and too awesome to understand.