Marks of a Christian

marks_christian_thumb I remember when I first became a Christian, I was bumping heads with all kinds of people. I had a passion for Christ and I wanted to let everyone know the truth and what they needed to change their life and make themselves right with God. I was on fire for the Lord but I had no sense of how to handle this new found life, energy and passion in my soul. I had no idea how to love others in Christ, I had no sense of listening, offering grace and mercy or just praying for those who did not want to listen to the Gospel.

Faith in the Unseen

faith_unseenSometimes I find myself begging God to reveal Himself personally to me. There are times, I refuse to step out in faith because I do not know how things will turn out. In essence this demonstrates my refusal to trust God. Perhaps God is looking for those who will trust Him and believe His words without seeing Him do anything miraculous in their life. Maybe God wants to see who really understands what it means to walk by faith and not by sight. The life of faith that believes what God says without miracles, without seeing, hearing, feeling anything of the divine.