Make Room For One Another

You know how when you have company coming over to stay you suddenly look around your house and see how dirty and cluttered it is? What might not bother you or your family during the normal routine is suddenly not acceptable when you’re about to have friends or family staying with you. You suddenly go into a furry to clean the house and remove the clutter. Sometimes you look around and you realize you have way more clutter and junk then you need. You realize it’s time to clean house and make more permanent room in your life.

True Reconciliation (Sermon)

Do you remember when you were a kid? If your mom was anything like mine she made you say, “I’m sorry”. In fact your mother probably drilled that into you. But what about now? When was the last time you went to someone and ate the humble pie and said “Hey I was wrong and I’m sorry.” Think for a minute. Is there someone in your life today with whom you need to be reconciled? Perhaps someone with whom there has been a rift for years and years. Go make amends. Go ask for forgiveness. Go and make reconciliation today.

Dealing with the Root of the Problem

dealing_root_thumb You look in the mirror, you’re brushing your teeth. Your eyes are pale; your mind is in some other distant place distracted by various grey clouds that are hanging intangibly out of reach. You deal with these problems the same way each day. You don’t know who you are anymore. The cloudy days linger. But you know deep down inside that you’ve got a problem with God. You know that you’ve got a real problem. You’ve got sin in your life.


warning_thumb If the voices of prophets, angels and other leaders for God is binding, how much more binding is the voice of Jesus?? How much more binding is the Word of the Scriptures? Yet because we do not see the consequences as evident in our lives, we refuse to listen. The immediate consequences that come from the hardening of hearts might not be the judgment of God, but He certainly allows in His perfect merciful wrath necessary reminders of what happens when we don’t hearken to the voice of God. When we harden our hearts and aren’t obedient we deny ourselves the chance for God to open the storehouses and shower down blessings upon us for our willingness to change, for our obedience.