Personal Dissonance (Sermon)

You see dissonance is when who I am no longer lines up with who I had hoped to be or how I hope others see me. It happens so often and so subtly that most of the time you and I don’t even realize it’s going on. We all know that major dissonance (or compromise) doesn’t crop up overnight. It starts small. So small that we might not recognize it in ourselves or want to acknowledge it. This morning we’re going to open to the Book of James, chapter one.

God is Always at Work.

godisalwaysatwork_thumb31 Often we find in our lives that God is nowhere to be found. We cannot see Him, we cannot smell Him, we cannot taste Him or feel Him. Yet He is there. We know this because if we’re still for long enough we can feel the effects of Him working and moving in our lives. Jacob wrote, “Surely the Lord is in this place, and I did not know it.”


warning_thumb If the voices of prophets, angels and other leaders for God is binding, how much more binding is the voice of Jesus?? How much more binding is the Word of the Scriptures? Yet because we do not see the consequences as evident in our lives, we refuse to listen. The immediate consequences that come from the hardening of hearts might not be the judgment of God, but He certainly allows in His perfect merciful wrath necessary reminders of what happens when we don’t hearken to the voice of God. When we harden our hearts and aren’t obedient we deny ourselves the chance for God to open the storehouses and shower down blessings upon us for our willingness to change, for our obedience.