I Lift My Eyes

It was a clear night. I could see the stars. They were magnificent to look at. They were bright even as they shined through the big tree in my backyard. It struck me just how beautiful they were and how long it had been since I had looked up at them. That’s when God said to me, “I just want you to look up my child.”

Behold the Glory of the Lord

When was the last time you let yourself be silent and in awe of who God is? When was the last time you were struck by the complete unfathomable and incomprehensible awesomeness of God? When was the last time you fell prostrate on your face before the Lord realizing how small you were and how awesome He really is?? When was the last time you trembled before our God?

God is Always at Work.

godisalwaysatwork_thumb31 Often we find in our lives that God is nowhere to be found. We cannot see Him, we cannot smell Him, we cannot taste Him or feel Him. Yet He is there. We know this because if we’re still for long enough we can feel the effects of Him working and moving in our lives. Jacob wrote, “Surely the Lord is in this place, and I did not know it.”

Did you see his Face?

didyouseehisface I often wonder at the tangled mess that makes up a person’s personality, character, quirks, expressions and interactions. What are the experiences that they have gone through, the pains they’ve felt, the joys they’ve shared, the tears they’ve cried, the passions they live for and the hurts they carry that cause them to be who they are. Finding out this information is like finding the keys to unlocking who someone really is-one finds out what really makes someone “tick” so to speak.

Come and See…

comeandsee If you close your eyes, you can almost sense Philip’s excitement.  He had just found the long-awaited Messiah.  He had seen Him with his own eyes.  In pure joyful anticipation he runs to find his friend, Nathaniel, and exclaims,  “We have found the one Moses wrote about in the Law, and about whom the prophets also wrote—Jesus of Nazareth, the son of Joseph.” (John 1:45)  It had only been a little bit earlier when Philip had met Jesus and had heard the words from the Messiah’s mouth, “Come, and you will see.”