Did you see his Face?

didyouseehisface I often wonder at the tangled mess that makes up a person’s personality, character, quirks, expressions and interactions. What are the experiences that they have gone through, the pains they’ve felt, the joys they’ve shared, the tears they’ve cried, the passions they live for and the hurts they carry that cause them to be who they are. Finding out this information is like finding the keys to unlocking who someone really is-one finds out what really makes someone “tick” so to speak.

Dying to Self

dying_to_self_thumb Every single day we must wake up and allow Christ to kill the old man. The flesh must die. The old man must be killed, the desires that raise up within you that desire things of the old man must die. Let Christ kill the old man every time he rears his ugly head. The old man will look strangely familiar—he will look more like you and be more dear to you then anyone else you know. But if Christ is to grow the New Man within you that looks more like Jesus, then the old man must go. There is no use in keeping him around, he will only drag you down to hell. The old flesh must die.

The Chief End of Man: Conclusion

chiefendofman2 “It is for a very different reason that religion cannot occupy the whole of life in the sense of excluding all natural activities. For, of course, in some sense, it must occupy the whole of life. There is no question of a compromise between the claims of God and the claims of culture, or politics, or anything else.” (C.S. Lewis, The Weight of Glory, pgs. 53-54)

The Chief End of Man: To be Reconciled to God

chiefendofman3 For Christ’s love compels us, because we are convinced that one died for all, and therefore all died. And he died for all, that those who live should no longer live for themselves but for him who died for them and was raised again. So from now on we regard no one from a worldly point of view. Though we once regarded Christ in this way, we do so no longer. Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come!

The Chief End of Man: To Please God

chiefendofman Why do we keep looking to our own fulfillment to gage whether we are living up to our purpose in life? Would not the author of life be a better judge of whether or not we are doing what we were designed to do? Perhaps when our happiness is rooted in the happiness of God we would find fulfillment. Oh that we would seek to not just understand the heart of God but that we would ask Him to give us His heart. Oh that we would imitate Him in every way and in every step.